Tuesday 6 May 2014


I am sort of obsessed with this book. I like reading books on long train journeys. So I got this book along with me on the train and I could not stop reading it. I actually read the whole book on the train.!! I didn't have high expectations for this book, which in a way is good . Books that I do have high expectations for usually disappoint me somehow. This book is about a 16-year-old girl who tries to find her place in a dystopian society. It is written by Veronica Roth . What I really like about this book is that it deals with romance, action, suspense with touch of humour.

This is what it looks like, sorry its a bit battered.

And here are some drawings I drew based on the book..........
Tris's family. (P.S Tris is not a crow)

 Favourite Faction
Guess what this is?

Like I said I am sort of obsessed.
I know the movie has already released. They did a decent job, I guess. But I never compare a book to its movie as the book is always better. The sequels were sort of disappointing but I love this book nonetheless.


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